At the end of all things, the consummation of the fallen world, there will be a day of reckoning. John describes in apocalyptic style the same judgment that Jesus described using parables. The fallen earth and heaven passes away and all souls are held accountable. All that does not have the life of God, that has not been regenerated by the indwelling presence of Jesus, will be destroyed. This is a terrible prospect, but a necessary one. Jesus cannot and will not attempt to rule over a fallen world. That would just be a continuation of the battle with the Dragon who, once conquered, will reappear in a different form to deceive and destroy. So, all vestiges of his world must be cleansed in the Lake of Fire.
Let me tell you my take on what will transpire at this judgment. To put it on a personal level, all of us stand before the judge and in the Book will be recorded all the things we have done and thought. Each of us will be horrified when we see it all against the backdrop of the absolute holiness of God himself. You and I have reviewed the actions of some around us who have serious blind spots. And they truly are unaware of these things that are glaring deficiencies. But we are not cognizant of our own blind spots. When we stand before the judgment, we will become painfully aware of them. In despair and humiliation, we will fall sobbing in hopeless contrition at the revelation of our own lacking. Our own culpability will seem just as heinous as the blind spots of those around us.
But then, the Book of Life will be opened. And Jesus will call out my name. Imagine my rapturous joy and relief when he declares that he has already paid the price for me. I have been redeemed! Oh, the glory of that moment! Words cannot describe it! He has snatched victory from the jaws of defeat!
Let me tell you my take on what will transpire at this judgment. To put it on a personal level, all of us stand before the judge and in the Book will be recorded all the things we have done and thought. Each of us will be horrified when we see it all against the backdrop of the absolute holiness of God himself. You and I have reviewed the actions of some around us who have serious blind spots. And they truly are unaware of these things that are glaring deficiencies. But we are not cognizant of our own blind spots. When we stand before the judgment, we will become painfully aware of them. In despair and humiliation, we will fall sobbing in hopeless contrition at the revelation of our own lacking. Our own culpability will seem just as heinous as the blind spots of those around us.
But then, the Book of Life will be opened. And Jesus will call out my name. Imagine my rapturous joy and relief when he declares that he has already paid the price for me. I have been redeemed! Oh, the glory of that moment! Words cannot describe it! He has snatched victory from the jaws of defeat!