All these ideas about the interpretation of the 1000 years in this passage have some validity, some more than others. The one thing that we must not do is create a new tribe based on the “correct” beliefs about end times. If you love Jesus and he is the driving force, the “be all, end all” in your life, then we are brothers and sisters in Christ. And if your beliefs about the millennium and the second coming enhance your relationship with Christ and your fellow believers, and it inspires awe and wonder for the Lamb who sits on the throne, then we are on the same journey. But if you wield your beliefs about the end times like a weapon, dividing the Body of Christ and birthing schisms, then you are deceiving yourself and you have missed the entire reason for the book of Revelation. I stand by my assertion at the beginning of this study; it is a revelation of Jesus Christ, it is His story, not primarily a prophetic book about future events.
Let’s face it; no matter what you or I believe about the Millennium, we will undoubtedly be wrong about some aspect of it. Maybe even about a vast majority of it. And so, I would rather not be pigeon-holed as an adherent of any one of the many variations. I would just embrace the things that make sense in bringing honor and glory to our Lord and comfort to those under persecution. That’s what this book is all about.
Let’s face it; no matter what you or I believe about the Millennium, we will undoubtedly be wrong about some aspect of it. Maybe even about a vast majority of it. And so, I would rather not be pigeon-holed as an adherent of any one of the many variations. I would just embrace the things that make sense in bringing honor and glory to our Lord and comfort to those under persecution. That’s what this book is all about.