And now, at last, Satan, the Great Dragon, is dealt with forever. At the end of all things, Satan will rise once again to “deceive the nations.” In this passage John invokes the names of God and Magog.
Every Jewish believer who saw these names immediately recalled the apocalyptic prophecies of Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. They were able to share these prophecies with their gentile brothers and explain the significance. The final battle that John saw in his vision is reminiscent of the same battle that Ezekiel describes against Gog and Magog.
Gog refers to a ruler and Magog the place where he ruled. The picture we see is of a conqueror and his allies who will appear to be unstoppable as seen both in Ezekiel 38 and 39 as well as in John’s vision. This picture is perfect for describing the final battle against the Great Dragon. Ezekiel presents it as being against Israel and John presents it as being against the Israel of God, all believers, both Jew and gentile.
The battle that John tells us about is not a protracted engagement. In one fell swoop, fire comes from heaven and devours them. It’s over before it starts. It’s as if God allows them to all assemble in one place so that judgment can be executed on them all at one time.
Following that, Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire where the Beast and false prophet have already been deposited. And that is forever and ever. Evil has been dealt with for the last time. This is the beginning of the last judgment. And that brings closure and great comfort both to John’s readers and to us as well.
Every Jewish believer who saw these names immediately recalled the apocalyptic prophecies of Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. They were able to share these prophecies with their gentile brothers and explain the significance. The final battle that John saw in his vision is reminiscent of the same battle that Ezekiel describes against Gog and Magog.
Gog refers to a ruler and Magog the place where he ruled. The picture we see is of a conqueror and his allies who will appear to be unstoppable as seen both in Ezekiel 38 and 39 as well as in John’s vision. This picture is perfect for describing the final battle against the Great Dragon. Ezekiel presents it as being against Israel and John presents it as being against the Israel of God, all believers, both Jew and gentile.
The battle that John tells us about is not a protracted engagement. In one fell swoop, fire comes from heaven and devours them. It’s over before it starts. It’s as if God allows them to all assemble in one place so that judgment can be executed on them all at one time.
Following that, Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire where the Beast and false prophet have already been deposited. And that is forever and ever. Evil has been dealt with for the last time. This is the beginning of the last judgment. And that brings closure and great comfort both to John’s readers and to us as well.