A cool dry breeze wafts in from the north this morning. The tulip poplar leaves quake gratefully, casting light and shadows from the morning sun. It’s like the refreshing breath of God when his spirit moved upon the waters in the days when he spoke all this into existence. It reminds me of when he breathed into Adam the breath of life and he became a living soul. So refreshing. So full of life.
It brings to mind the time when Jesus, after his resurrection, breathed on his disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” He, and they, had just come through a harrowing week, the trial, the flogging, the crucifixion, Peter’s denial, hiding in fear for their lives, their hopes and dreams of a Messianic deliverance from the Roman occupation dashed to pieces. Jesus appears among them, displaying his wounds and speaking words of hope and peace to their troubled hearts. His exhalation on them restores the divine life that was lost when Adam’s was snuffed out in the Garden. It is a new day, the beginning of a new race of people, those living by the life of God, and the breath of his Holy Spirit, the way He intended it from the beginning.
It brings to mind the time when Jesus, after his resurrection, breathed on his disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” He, and they, had just come through a harrowing week, the trial, the flogging, the crucifixion, Peter’s denial, hiding in fear for their lives, their hopes and dreams of a Messianic deliverance from the Roman occupation dashed to pieces. Jesus appears among them, displaying his wounds and speaking words of hope and peace to their troubled hearts. His exhalation on them restores the divine life that was lost when Adam’s was snuffed out in the Garden. It is a new day, the beginning of a new race of people, those living by the life of God, and the breath of his Holy Spirit, the way He intended it from the beginning.