One modern day example of idolatry is the common practice of defining a god that can be fully understood and then worshipping that god. Or in the case of agnostics or atheists, a god so defined is rejected or ignored.
"Religion gives people the notion that they have God under control. Religion says that we can understand God absolutely and completely. We can predict what the Almighty will do tomorrow. The Christian religion teaches that the Bible answers virtually every question that’s brought to the sacred text. The problem with this line of thought is that the true God cannot fit into anyone’s box. God will always end up breaking out of our human expectations and understanding. Every attempt to capture God and cram and ram Him in a system will ultimately fail.
"The true God is an untamed lion. He cannot be controlled. The true God is the controller." -- Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola, Jesus Manifesto
"Religion gives people the notion that they have God under control. Religion says that we can understand God absolutely and completely. We can predict what the Almighty will do tomorrow. The Christian religion teaches that the Bible answers virtually every question that’s brought to the sacred text. The problem with this line of thought is that the true God cannot fit into anyone’s box. God will always end up breaking out of our human expectations and understanding. Every attempt to capture God and cram and ram Him in a system will ultimately fail.
"The true God is an untamed lion. He cannot be controlled. The true God is the controller." -- Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola, Jesus Manifesto
"Concerning the reality of Christ Himself, all the fullness of God dwells within Him. It is for this reason that every theological system breaks down somewhere. Every systematic theology, no matter how coherent or logical, eventually meets some passage of Scripture or passage of life that refuses to fit into it. Such passages have to be bent, twisted, and forced to fit the system.
"Why is this? It’s because Christ is too immense, too imponderable, and too alive to be tied into any immovable system of thought constructed by finite humans." Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola, Jesus Manifesto
"Why is this? It’s because Christ is too immense, too imponderable, and too alive to be tied into any immovable system of thought constructed by finite humans." Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola, Jesus Manifesto